Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Couple of Butterfly Magnets

I don't think I've shown any pictures yet of my red penta. This baby is so bright that the butterflies and hummingbirds just can't miss it.

I also planted a small chaste vitex tree last fall. It's already blooming! This is a great hummingbird tree that takes drought like a champ. It also has a sweet smell for humans to enjoy. A wonderful little tree.


Jean Campbell said...

You'll enjoy the Vitex. They root easily. TAMU advocates cutting them almost to the ground in early spring. I tried it. It was a lot of work for little progress. I just lightly trim the tops to get rid of old seed heads.

My tall red Ruby Glow Pentas failed to return this spring. I bought them about 10 years ago and always had a few return until now. I do still have the bigger rose color one which is really hardy, and cuttings of paler colors that I kept inside over the winter.

Davy Barr said...

I also read about cutting vitex to the ground every year. I have no intentions of doing this. My dream is for this one to develop into a small tree growing in the middle of my back yard.