Friday, April 9, 2010

The Butterflies Are Here

My daughter, Rhonda, loves butterflies as much as I do.  She and I frequently see them around the yard and try to identify them.  She sent me this picture of one that was nectaring on the Indian Hawthorne yesterday.  After quite a bit of research, I think it's a black form, female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.  You can't imagine the joy it brings me to see butterflies around my yard since I started planting so many different flowers.  Now, I make a point of planting butterfly attracting plants and not spraying insecticide so that these beautiful creatures will thrive.  My encouragement to all fellow gardeners it to think of these beauties when you plant flowers and at least put a few of their favorites in and around your beds.  Some good butterfly plants are zinnia, lantana, penta, butterfly weed (asclepias), tithonia (Mexican sunflower), and coneflower.  These are just a few of the many nectar plants.  If you can, put a few caterpillar host plants too so that butterfly babies for future generations can come.  Two of my favorite butterfly information web sights are Butterflies of the Carolinas and Virginias (which is applicable for more than just those states and has some of the best ID info) and Butterflies and Moths of North America.

1 comment:

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

I'm reading all these posts about butterflies coming... I hope mine come soon! Your pics are lovely...