I needed a place to put all my gardening notes. Thought it would be fun for other people to see my input on various items of interest. I'm particularly fond of roses, fragrants, and flowering vines. Hope you enjoy.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
No Wonder the Butterflies Love It

Satin Violet Althea

Friday, May 29, 2009
Would Joan Like Some Candy?

Monday, May 25, 2009
I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Random Blooms

More Full Shrub Pictures

Some New Bloomers

I also have a new daylily today. It's a deep pink with a yellow throat. It's fun to see what colors I will get out of the plants that I got last year.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Full Shrub Pictures

Next, I bring you the old cottage favorite, hydrangea. These were already planted at my house when I moved here, but they were the dull, ugly pink color that I don't like. Every year, I've been putting down aluminum sulfate around the bushes to acidify the soil and now they are this perfect blue that I like so much.
Now comes my first full plant picture of this Angel Trumpet (brugmansia.)
Last, my Mrs. B. R. Cant. This shrub is rather sprawling and airy right now, but this plant will really fill out once it gets some age on it.
A Few Bloom Shots of the Day

Friday, May 15, 2009
The Easiest Annual of All?

The Rose of Sharon

Hot Weather Roses

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Have a Lark with Some Daylilies

What Would You Call This Color?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Some Shady Characters

Next up is my first try with New Guinea impatiens. The bright orange colors really captured my wife's interest. I put them in my shade bed in between some Giant Callas. So far they seem to like the moist, shaded area. I've heard they aren't nearly as easy as the regular impatiens.

What shaded area would be complete without the colorful hydrangea? These are the old fashioned favorite to grow in areas that roses won't thrive. They need to have plenty of moisture and some shelter from the afternoon sun. To me, this is the flowering shrub of choice for the shade.
Have You Met the Mrs?

Let's Have Some Bright Colors!
The Heavenly Fragrance of Gardenias

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Which is Strawberry Candy?

Friday, May 8, 2009
Super Dorothy

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Have Some Delicious Strawberry Candy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Problem With Tickseed

Monday, May 4, 2009
Mexican Cigar Plant

Ham and Eggs

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Treasured Tropicals

Next up is my Angel trumpet (brugmansia.) This a pink cultivar that has committed the cardinal sin of being without scent! Most brugmansias have a fragrance that somewhat (to me) resembles that of an oriental lily. Brugs come in a nice array of colors like yellow, pink, orange, and white. They are extremely easy to get started - just take a cutting and put it in water till roots start coming out, then put it in dirt. They die to the ground after a frost, but reliably come back in zone 8 and higher. If you look at this picture closely, you can see the first bud forming. With shelter, these plants can get as large as a small tree. They love lots of fertilizer. The flowers are large trumpets that hang downwards - I'll have pictures of mine later in the year. I'm told that putting a light on the ground shining up at the flowers makes for a spectacular show at night, especially if the plant is covered in blooms like they often are. I've noticed that some insects especially love eating the leaves of this plant, but it hardly slows down. Put brugs in full sun and don't let them dry out. If you live up north, you can grow these in large pots. If you get one of these be sure it's one with scent.

Azaleas With a Twist

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Black-eyed Susan Vine

Friday, May 1, 2009
Daylilies of the Day

This orange is blooming for the first time for me. I think it came as some extras in an E-bay order that I made last year. Have no clue what variety it is.

While I'm posting daylilies, I'll give some of my thoughts on growing them. For one thing, they are about as easy as anything. Every beginner should plant daylilies. They are easy, cheap, and rewarding. They can take drought, some flooding, and nearly every type of soil. I have them growing in full sun and partial shade and it seems to make no difference. Daylilies mix well with other flowers and are great companion plants, as long as you don't let them take over. Divide and share about every three years. Rather than planting a whole bed of them, sprinkle them throughout your yard and garden with other plants that bloom at different times.