Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nothing Says Spring Like Daffodils

I don't have many daffodils growing.  That's to my terrible detriment.  I sure wish I had more of these beauties.  Maybe I'll remedy this next year.  These bright beauties have stolen my heart and made me crave more. 

I don't know what type these are since they were given to me as part of another order.  I just stuck them in the ground near where I have my daylilies planted and forgot about them.  You have to be careful what types of daffodils you plant this far South because only certain ones thrive here.  This particular year about any type would do well since we had so many chill days this winter.  I'd love to have a whole swath of them growing in my backyard and that's what I plan to do some day.  Think of that - a river of daffodils!


Darla said...

Are those Tetetets or however you spell it....

Davy Barr said...

I don't know what they are. They're solid yellow and have no fragrance that I can detect.

Davy Barr said...

After doing some looking around, I'm guessing this is some King Alfred look-alike daffodil. I don't expect it to do well in my Louisiana heat for many years - but it sure is pretty this year!