Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Forgotten Favorite

This is the venerable Summer Snowflake ("Gravetye Giant.")  It's Latin name is Leucojum aestivum, so use that term if you're looking for information on the internet to make sure you have the right plant.  This plant blooms at the same time of year as daffodils, has a slight fragrance, and forms large clumps over time that are very attractive.  I think they look nice as a bordering plant.  They also make a nice addition to a mixed bulb bed.  Once upon a time, these were quite popular, especially in the Deep South.  This was mostly because they thrive where many other bulbs won't grow.  For one thing, they don't need as much chill as daffodils, tulips, and many other spring bulbs.  For another, they take clay soil and boggy conditions like a champ.  To me, they resemble Lily of the Valley.  This neat old plant will naturalize well with basically no care at all.  Plant the bulbs 3" deep anywhere that it will get at least part sun.  They should be planted in Fall along with daffodils.  For some good information on this plant, I recommend you make a side trip to Floridata and check it out.  On a side note, this would be a perfect plant for a moon garden.

1 comment:

meemsnyc said...

I too was thinking that it looks a lot of lily of the valley. So pretty.