Monday, October 5, 2009

How 'bout Them Pinks?

This is a bud on my Belinda's Dream rose. Such a nice and tight bud that opens into a very full and blousy pink flower.

In cooler and cloudier weather Madame Alfred Carriere blooms tend to be a light pink instead of the normal white. This is a fine example. We have had tons of rain and clouds over the last few days along with cooler weather.


Lona said...

Pinks are wonderful. Those are two beauties you have in your garden.Madame Alfred Carriere is so delicate looking.

Nell Jean said...

Belinda's Dream is loving the cooler weather here, too. We got rain last night and this morning, just before I had to drag hoses.

I was expecting 'pinks' as in dianthus. Belinda has some Bath's pink to keep her company here.