It's amazing how many warm season blooms are stil going strong for me now. I'm afraid they will all end by Saturday of this week as we are forecast to have temperatures in the upper 20's by then. The fall colors of red, orange, and yellow are in full display in these blooms. I didn't realize until after the pictures were taken that the wrong date was being displayed. These pictures were all taken on 12/2/09.
There are yet a few blooms to be seen on my Sensation Yellow cosmos. These are on a volunteer plant that came up after my originals were played out.
The Black-eyed Susan vine has only bloomed better and better as the year wore on. It will die with the freeze and will be completely replaced next year on the mailbox by a native honeysuckle. This is its last hurrah.
The tropical butterfly weed (asclepias curassavica)is still blooming away. I never saw any monarch caterpillars, but plenty of butterflies stopped by to taste the nectar.
The Mexican Cigar plant was a favorite of the hummingbirds this year and I'll definitely keep it. I'll mulch it up pretty well this week and hope if survives the winter. Such a curious and neat little plant. Incidentally, I saw a lonely female hummingbird visiting this plant just two days ago. I don't know what she was doing around here at this time of year.
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