Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Bloom I Can't Wait To Smell


Care to guess what this cone-like bud is?  It's the lovely Butterfly Ginger (hedychium.)  There is no late summer flower I love more than this one.  It will fill the whole yard with a delicate, gardenia-like fragrance on a summer evening.  I love it so much that I've spread these around the yard in strategic places to make sure I get good coverage.  They are extremely easy to grow, with new shoots coming up from the roots by the dozens.  They are related to cannas and will grow anywhere their cousins will.  Give them plenty of water or they will look sad.  One issue with them is that they get tall and top heavy causing floppiness unless you give them some support.  Everyone in the South needs this plant.  One whiff and you'll be hooked.  By the way, they are very reliable to come back for me, even after this particularly cold winter.  I'll post pictures of the flowers when they come out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this plant too! Mine are also about to bloom.